Scientific Name
Dalatias licha  
Dalatias licha鎧鯊
by: Lab of Fish Ecol. and Evo., BRCAS
Author (Bonnaterre, 1788) Depth 37 - 1800M
Chinese 鎧鯊 Poisonous Fish No 
Family_Chinese 鎧鯊科 Economic Fish Yes 
Family F039 Dalatiidae Edible Fish Yes  Chinese In Mainland China 鎧鯊 
Max Length 182 cm  Aquarium Fish No  Common Name 黑鮫、黑沙、沙魚(臺東) 
Distribution in World global   Distribution in Taiwan South、North East 
Habitats Deep Sea、Benthos、Coastal  Holotype Locality [Le Cap Breton] Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada, western North Atlantic 
Synonyms Dalatias lica, Dalatias lichia, Dalatias sparophagus, Dalatias tachiensis, Pseudoscymnus boshuensis, Scymnorhinus brevipinnis, Scymnorhinus licha, Scymnorhinus phillippsi, Scymnus aquitanensis, Scymnus vulgaris, Squalus americanus, Squalus licha, Squalus nicaeensis ...all 14..  
Reference 臺灣魚類誌(沈等, 1993);李柏峰(2003)碩士論文;中國動物誌-圓口綱及軟骨魚綱(朱等, 2001);FAO Species Catalogue, Vol.4 Sharks of the world  Compagno, L.J.V. 1984 沈世傑 編 Shih-Chieh Shen ed. 1993 Last, P.R. etc. 1994 朱元鼎, 孟慶聞 等編 2001 李柏鋒 2003 
Specimen List ASIZP0058674. ASIZP0060559. ASIZP0062455. ASIZP0063278. ASIZP0064621. ASIZP0080485. ASIZP0807663. ASIZP0917663. FRIP00340. FRIP21619. NMMSTP00821. NTMP1336. NTUM00744. NTUM01326. NTUM01628. NTUM06684. NTUM06969.  
Common Name Seal shark; Black shark; Darkie charlie; Kitefin shark; Kitefin shark 
Redlist Status LR/nt IUCN Redlist: Lower Risk/near threatened(LR/nt)  2000-06-30   
Characteristic A moderate-sized, short-and blunt-snouted shark. Anterior nasal flaps short; snout broadly conical, rounded, and short; gill openings moderately broad and about equally wide; lips very thick, fringed or pleated, not suctorial; teeth very different in upper and lower jaws, uppers small, with narrow, hooked, needle-shaped cusps and no cusplets, lowers very large, bladelike, interlocked, with broad, erect, triangular cusps, small distal blades, and serrated edges; tooth rows 16 to 21/17 to 20. Two almost equal-sized spineless dorsal fins; first dorsal origin somewhat behind free rear tips of pectoral fins, first dorsal insertion well anterior to pelvic origins, closer to pectoral bases than pelvics; second dorsal origin about over middle of pelvic bases; pectoral fins with short, broadly rounded free rear tips, not broadly lobate or acute and elongated; caudal fin asymmetrical, not paddle-shaped, upper lobe long, lower lobe very short or virtually absent, subterminal notch well-developed. No anal fin. No precaudal pits or lateral keels on caudal peduncle. Dermal denticles with low flat, ridged, unicuspid crowns, not pedicellate. Cloaca without a luminous gland. Colour greyish to black orblackish brown, sometimes violet with black spots.
habitats Maximum to at least 159 cm, possibly to 182 cm, males adult between 77 to 121 cm, females between 117 to 159 cm, size at birth about 30 cm. A common but sporadically distributed deepwater, warm-temperate and tropical shark of the outer continental and ins 
Distribution South and Northeast off Taiwan; Western North Atlantic; Eastern Atlantic; Western Mediterranean; Western Indian Ocean; Western Pacific; Central Pacific. 
Utility Caught for its squalene-rich liver, leather andmeat, also for fishmeal.